Welcome to BigDumpling.Art!

This is my very first website! This site is a major work in progress so not much is happening yet, but when it's becoming more ready, you will be able to find my own blog, links to things I think are cool, links to my YouTube videos, and my art!

Click here to learn who I am!

Welcome to my blog!

This website is taking a lot of effort, and I am learning so much HTML and CSS to try and make this site. And a lot more will have to be learned to make it look nice on different sized devices. That should definitely be enough motivation for me to regularly update this, right?

Click here to go to the first post.

March 4, 2025 - 2:25am

I was able to move my stuff to Cloudflare and it seems to be way more responsive which is awesome :D I plan on making this website more dynamic soon, especially once I get my home server going, it is going to be so fun and easier for me to use. Right now I am hardcoding blog posts into one long HTML file lol

I also bought a Macbook since last time this thing was up so I can work on my computer stuff away from my desk too

This will be nice during the summer when I don't have to sweat my ass off upstairs :D

October 29, 2024 - 3:55am

Watch this awesome video I made with my bestest friend in the world, Jenny!

Additionally, the gallery is beginning to have some of my creations, starting with Minecraft! I got some old skins and this puzzle map that I made with Jenny! Have fun ^.^

>>> September 26, 2024 - 6:37am

It feels good to express my problems

Even if nobody ever reads them. It's like telling my website a secret, but out loud. Here is some insight on what's going on.


I won't get too personal right now, but work is starting to burn me out a little. I work 10-12 hours overnight, and I am pushing through a bit of drama in my department. People are being fired, promoted, or just transfering out and I am the only leader left. I am training two leaders on how to run the department at two separate skill levels. One person has no background in the department but they have plenty of experience with leadership, and the other doesn't have the leadership but has been in the department longer than I have.

I'm not even mad about it, my job is easy AF, especially when I'm training, because eventually it gets to a point where I can just lean back and make sure nothing terrible happens.

Brief on Mental Health

The annoying part is that it's overnight. I've never noticed how much I missed the day time until I've realized how many plans I've been missing out on. I will watch my friends make plans while I'm lying in bed ready to sleep. My family goes out and has fun without me. Sometimes I don't even have the physical and mental energy to go out and do yardwork.

I am slowly learning how to accommodate myself better, and learning more about myself every day. That is all I will say for now. This site is still a baby and I don't want to make it sound so depressing when people read this lol


More on this later, but as I learn more about myself, I am learning about what kinds of things stress me out. Last Christmas I got these fuzzy earmuffs and they are so comfy, and I realized that it muffled just enough noise for me to come home from work less exhausted.

That is one example, but I still have a long way to go to accommodate myself on the sensory side of things, but next stressor is the reason why I haven't gotten off of night shift yet.

My girlfriend Helena and I own a house together and have been living here for a little over two years now. Long story short, I am paying two loans that I was not prepared for lol

So I can't afford to not work night shift (nights pays extra) right now. Luckily, I only have two more payments on the bigger loan so I will be able to relax soon. I don't know how, but I've finished a few months with about $1 in my account lol

So that's about it!

September 26, 2024 - 3:16am

Site Update

Had a fun day today! Helena and I went to our favorite chinese buffet and then we watched netflix until 3am. Now for the rest of the night, I will be working on this website.

If you are looking for art, I'm sorry but that is a focus for after the site itself has been finished ;-;

September 25, 2024 - 9:11am

Site Update

I finally got the SSL certificate working! I am now okay with leaving my PC on to keep this running 24/7 until I make my home server.

Expect updates, decorations, and functionality! :D

If you are looking for art, I'm sorry but that is a focus for after the site itself has been finished ;-;

Update: Welp now it's almost 10am. Time to go to bed cuz it's my 8th anniversary with Helena.

September 18, 2024 - 8:19am

First Post!

Yes, I stayed up all night learning how to write proper HTML and CSS lol

I plan to do some awesome stuff and this site will slay so hard. First I am working on all of the easy links, like my YouTube channel, and some other stuff I've made for you to download. I'd love to show off my friends, too. This will be a cozy site made by me, for me.

If you are looking for art, I'm sorry but that is a focus for after the site itself has been finished ;-;

Click here to go to the top of the blog.